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About Us

At Crossbridge Clinical Associates (CCA) we specialize in higher acuity mental health clients and can assist in locating residential to IOP treatment placements. CCA also provided comprehensive in-house therapy and case management. CCA works from a holistic approach, incorporating psychotherapy, exposure-based therapies, academic or career coaching, nutritional health, physical health, and sober support. Through the team-based collaborative approach, each client receives an individualized custom care plan with weekly team meetings.

We know seeking help can be hard. You've likely been debating seeking help for months, if not years, but we're so glad you have taken the courageous step of being here. At CrossBridge our team works within a full continuum of care from initial contact / intervention through higher level of care to outpatient individual sessions. Our team fill follow the client throughout their treatment period and liaison with the client's residential or hospital treatment teams throughout their treatment period to ensure the proper facilitation of information. 

Are You Ready To Take The First Step?

Meet Our Staff

Dr. Marie Valsaint, Psy.D. - Therapist

Dr. Marie Valsaint, Psy.D. - Therapist

Dr. Valsaint is a dedicated clinician with a passion for improving mental health and well-being in diverse communities. Dr. Valsaint's journey in psychology began with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology from Florida Atlantic University in 2014, followed by a Master of Arts and a Doctor of Clinical Psychology in Psychology from Alliant International University in San Diego in 2017.
Kayla Kogan - Stylist / Lifestyle Coach

Kayla Kogan - Stylist / Lifestyle Coach

Kayla Kogan is CCA's personal client stylist with an extensive experience in high end retail and marketing environments in both Florida and New York. Kayla brings her creative eye to help clients gain a perspective of themselves as they go through their journey of growth.
Maxwell Levinson - Academic Success Coach

Maxwell Levinson - Academic Success Coach

Maxwell "Max" Levinson is a third year student at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. His tutoring style focuses on starting with the basics of a topic and doing guided practice to incrementally build on the skills a client already has.

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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Managing Complex Treatments Through Guided Care